Maria Sophia Rose is an Arts Therapist, Ecotherapist and Women's Coach - She is the founder of The Enchanted Glade and has been running women's circles and women's ceremonies for over a decade. Ansisters circles follow natures rhythms, the Celtic wheel and meet for a women's spa retreat for every Celtic festival- the first one of the year will be at Spring Equinox and the last one at Samhain.
Reconnect with other Women, Yourself and the Land.

You are warmly welcomed to drop deeply into yourself, to the wisdom you carry within.
Our women's ceremonies and women's spa retreats are the perfect opportunity to stop, to reflect, share, and be nourished and nurtured in a supportive environment. You will journey alongside other women who are with you on a quest to cultivate their powerful creative fire.
Throughout our women's ceremonies, we will explore a wide range of practices including visualisations, Art making, movement, Tantra and psychosynthesis meditations. This will enable voyage into deeper meaning, purpose and passion in your life.
There will also be spaciousness and time for quiet reflective rest.
For the women's spa retreat, the wood fired sauna and hot tub will also be fired up, The cold plunge and chair massage will be available plus herbal tea and raw cacao treats.
Meet Maria
"My way back to myself was by listening to my heart speak, and my way to do that, was by being creative"
~Maria Sophia Rose

I would Love to share with you my story of how I found
my Golden Thread…
I am a Mother, Sister, Daughter, A Lover, and a Wife.
My life is committed to my own inner enquiry of what it is
to be a woman in this world, at this time.
I believe we all have a Golden Thread that can lead us to discovering our
inner Creatrix that is our gift to share with the world.
I am passionate about supporting others on this journey
of inner dialogue, discovery, and self empowerment,
and I would be deeply honoured if you join me on this profound journey.
I am the founder and director of the Heart2Art Community Arts,
Online creativity coaching and Ansisters Therapeutic Arts women's circles.
I run the Women's space at Buddhafield festival, facilitate gatherings of women's
ceremonies, women's spa retreats and opening & closing circles & ceremonies for
various festivals and international gatherings.
I would Love to share my journey and how I got to the place I am in,
with the tools I now have, to navigate the labyrinth of life...